In March 2023, 20 people with intellectual disabilities from 6 countries and 15 professionals spent a week together. They met each other in person, learned from each other and shared their experiences about the project 

Benefits of working on the Project

Working on the REVIVAL project has allowed us to be a part of an important European collaboration project with six other Saint John of God organisations across Europe. The REVIVAL project gave us the opportunity to Relaunching Theatre Education via innovative virtual stages by creating eLearning resources to allow remote teams to access digital drama resources. The teams involved in the project participated in various workshops and sessions. 

          Our Trip to the Blended Mobility Event in Murcia

Revival Meetings with Project Partners

The revival Project gave us the opportunity to attend transnational REVIVAL meetings with other partners. We travelled to Austria, Greece, Spain, and Germany; this allowed us to meet other partners we have been working with face-to-face. Across our centres, we organised workshops where the instruction materials were presented to the men and women in SJOG Liffey Services. The workshops were an excellent opportunity to see what worked and what needed to be changed in the instructional materials. On the other hand, it allowed us to see how the instructor would adapt the video to suit their men and women and the kind of delivery modules used to achieve the objectives of the instructional materials.  So attending the international meetings allowed us to see how the other partners adapted the video instructional materials in their various centres. 

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Meeting in Austria

The opportunity to attend the transnational REVIVAL meeting in Graz, Austria, allowed us meet the other partners It also provided the avenue to review materials that have already been completed and get feedback from other partners who had introduced them in their centres. Other modules that were yet to be developed by the creative partners were also discussed.

Meeting in Greece

The meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece, provided an avenue to discuss the project’s progress with other partners. We discussed the output one of the project, deciding on what had been done and what needed to be done to finish that part of the Revival project. All the partners used the design thinking method to brainstorm on ideas for output two.

Blended Mobility Event in Marcia

In March 2023 we attend a meeting in Murcia, where the partners and their men and women met. The weather was beautiful, and there were many interesting workshops, plays, musical Bingo, sightseeing, and outdoor activities by the beach. It was a fun-filled event for everyone that attended.

Revival E-learning

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